Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 04:30:29 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #288 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 29 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 288 Today's Topics: Broad up handheld's band 9k6 with Icom IC04 ? ATM over radio... Graphic Packet on XT? HF Packet (Mac vs PC) IM_Mac1.0b28b.sea.hqx.text Jnos and PK232MBX ? (2 msgs) JVFAX 7.00 Excellent !!! MSYS and WP pages (2 msgs) RS232 and RTTY? Which pin is which? What SB for Digital modes? Will my radio work as a packet station??? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 27 Aug 1994 22:42:31 GMT From:!!agate!!!!! Subject: Broad up handheld's band To: Hi. I have a handheld, Kenwood TH-22E, that transmits from 144 to 146 MHz FM. -Does anyone know the code that permits to broad up the band to 136-170 MHz FM? Also, does any kow of any books that say anything more than the manual says? Many thanks in advance. F.Salzedas ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 09:45:39 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!!! Subject: 9k6 with Icom IC04 ? To: pme@it.kth.SE wrote: : Is there anyone that have been successful with g3ruh modems with : a Icom IC04A/E/AT ? Is there any ftp sites where i can find information : about modifying rigs to work with RUH modems ? : /Peter SM0OHI Because of the very slow TX/RX switching times I would not reccomend trying to use any of the O2/O3/O4 series Icoms for packet - 1200 or 9600. For that matter, handhelds in general are probably something most hams are not up to modifying for 9600. I don't know what sort of availability you have to the radio manufacturer 'TEKK'. In the US they are selling radios designed specificly for data applications. The original application was in the 450+ MHz business band, but due to interest from the amateur community, they have started offering the radio in a 430-450 MHz version. The company will cut and install crystals the radio for the specific RX and TX frequencies you need and burn-in the radio with crystals prior to shipment. They even re-align the radio after the burn-in. Turnaround on orders here has been about 1 month. It is my understanding that the radios are actually manufactured outside the US, and the crystalling and tuning for US shipments is done in the US facility. So if you can locate a supplier of the radios close to home, you may be able to get these radios very reasonably. By the way, pricing in the US is about $140, delivered. At this price, if 2 watts is enough, its a much better solution than modifying a mobile radio, especially since the modified radio is usually a performance compromise. You might try looking on '' in the /hamradio/packet directory area for info. Since all the 9600 baud amateur modems have the same general requirements of the radios, don't discount the information if is does not specificly mention the G3RUH modem. WD6EHR wrote a good guide to 9600 modifications some time ago, and I beleive he intended to update it as information about additional radios was developed, so you might want to mail an assistance request to him. I hope some of this information is of use to you 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bob Donnell, kd7nm | | Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 06:39:09 GMT From: maestro! Subject: ATM over radio... To: Steve Bush ( wrote: > I have a few questions concerning digital radio protocols. > First, does anyone have any good references for ATM over radio ? > Second, does anyone have any good references for general packet radio > protocols ? > Third, can someone tell me the address of the mobile-ip mailing list ? > Thanks, > Steve Bush Steve, The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) may be able to supply you with some of the info you requested. Send an e-mail with the words "send info" (no quotes) as the body, to -Gene -- ____________________ _ | | _____________________ |New York - the city | | | | | | .^. /| | | |that makes it's own | | | | |_ .^. | | | |_ | | |gravy when it rains.|_ | | | | |-._| |-| | _ -| | | | WA2BCM | |____________________|_|| |_| |_|_|_| |_| ||_|_| |_|_|_____________________| ------------------------------ Date: 28 Aug 1994 10:35:02 -0400 From:!! Subject: Graphic Packet on XT? To: Can Graphic Packet be used on an XT? I cannnot get it to run, TFPCR that I have is compiled for use with 286 or above. (it does work well on my 386 but would like to run it on an XT). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 10:13:44 GMT From:!agate!!!!eff!!!!! Subject: HF Packet (Mac vs PC) To: david kelly (dkelly@nebula.tbe.COM) wrote: : Unless there is some reason you CAN NOT use a Macintosh, a Macintosh will : never bother you about video drivers, video modes, mouse drivers, "real" : mode, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, Extended Memory vs. Expanded Memory, memory : managers, HIDOS, IRQ conflicts, CD-ROM drivers & cards, sound cards, and the : magical 640k limit. There is almost no >good< software for the Mac for amateur or shipboard applications. As a former Tech Rep (and Mac products specialist) for AEA, maker of the PK-232MBX, I know that the Mac software that AEA had to offer as of 5 months ago is very out of date, and there was virtually no prospect of it ever being updated. The software they did have was B/W only, and not System 7 aware. From comments I heard got from users, it was the best they could find, but definitly not first-line software. As a shipboard user, you will be interested to know that there were (also as of 5 months ago) no offerings at all for grey-scale fax reception/display for the Mac, anywhere, for any price, that I had heard of. I had >lots< of requests for this kind of capability, and after looking at the prices of stand-alone FAX printers, a few of the Mac users decided to get a PC laptop just for receiving FAX. This is a great frustration to a lot of the marine dealers too, as the Mac laptops appear to be rather popular among the boating community. I helped my folks get going with a Mac in '85, and just got them a newer system this year. It's not what I use at home, probably primarily because I'm one of those 'command line oriented' kinda guys. I spend more time now using Linux than Dos, and only occasionally fire up Windoze for a GUI. I've got the carcass of my folks old Mac, and one of these days I'll graft a new monitor to it - then I may not use Windoze at all! As a fan of the Mac in a general sense, its really too bad that with all it has going for it, that there are so few amateurs who are willing or able to develop software for it. : 73, David Kelly, N4HHE : 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bob Donnell, kd7nm | | Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 29 Aug 94 08:37:49 GMT From: Subject: IM_Mac1.0b28b.sea.hqx.text To: =20 Release Notes - IM/Mac 1.0=A728b - Included support for StuffIt Engine 3.5.1. When decoding a message, the temporary '.sit' file is kept in the Temporary Items folder and no longer in the directory that holds IM/Mac (as it was before System Update 3.0). StuffIt Engine 3.5.1 no longer resets volume and directory, so subsequent decodes will correctly point to the last used directory. Tuesday, August 2, 1994 - 18:29:29 UTC Best 73's, es cuagn de Ivo, ON1XK @ ON6AR.#AN.BEL.EU [] PS (by PA2AGA) This version obsoletes all versions of info-mac/comm/radio-im-mac in the Sumex-Aim archives. The new IM/Mac has (hopefully) been uploaded to, to the directory pub/hamradio/incoming and to, to directory /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming. If it's not there (anymore), then look at /hamradio/packet/tcpip/mac. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 18:44:32 GMT From:!!agate!!!!! Subject: Jnos and PK232MBX ? To: I have a pk232 that was upgraded to a pk232MBX. I would like to use this for 2 meter tcp/ip. The question is do I need to have a battery install in the pk232? The reason for the question is that when I purchased the pk232 the manual stated that do not put batteries in. With the upgrade kit it came with a nicad battery. I have not install the nicad. -- .----------------------------------------------+--------------------------. | INTERNET: (DC436) | Daniel Curry WB6STW | | AMPRNET : [] | E-:-) Ham Radio Operator | | AX.25 : wb6stw@n0ary.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA | Redwood City, CA USA | '----------------------------------------------+--------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: 28 Aug 1994 09:06:03 -0700 From:!! Subject: Jnos and PK232MBX ? To: In article , (Daniel Curry) wrote: > I have a pk232 that was upgraded to a pk232MBX. I would like > to use this for 2 meter tcp/ip. The question is do I need to > have a battery install in the pk232? The battery will power your PK's volatile memory so you can save many of the parameters while the PK-232 is turned OFF. For instance, without a battery, you must enter MYCALL every time you turn the PK-232 ON, prior to using it to transmit in AX.25 (or other) modes. If your computer / comm program loads the appropriate values into each parameter during its initialization sequence, you don't need a battery. Most versions of NOS require all appropriate parameters be identified in the AUTOEXEC.NOS file. In other words, NOS will load the PK's parameters every time you invoke NOS, so a battery is not necessary. Lou ------------------------Usual Disclaimers Apply------------------------- Internet: Ham Radio Packet: N5SGL @ K3WGF.#SAT.TX.USA tcp/ip: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 27 Aug 1994 08:28:39 GMT From:!!agate!!wupost!waikato!!!! Subject: JVFAX 7.00 Excellent !!! To: Hello all, Just rec'd JVFAX 7.0 from DK8JV. Fantastic job !!! Not sure if available via ftp from EU or USA. This has to be one of the best ever !!! Have used JVF 6.0 ; JVF 7.0 beta ; now the final release. Has all of 6.0 and also highcolor 64k mode 800x600, Scott-DX, Robot 72. Cheers Paul b ZL1AJY Auckland NZ ------------------------------ Date: 28 Aug 1994 22:48:02 -0400 From:!! Subject: MSYS and WP pages To: > Does anyone know how can I change, in MSYS117, the packet address where >: the system automatically sends WP pages updates??? I have a real problem You can also set the Mastersrv command to NONE and no WP updates will be sent, if that interests you... Good Luck... KD6ZZM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 28 Aug 1994 17:20:43 GMT From:!agate!!! Subject: MSYS and WP pages To: Demetre Ch. Valaris (sv1uy@nest.sv1uy.ampr.ORG) wrote: : Does anyone know how can I change, in MSYS117, the packet address where : the system automatically sends WP pages updates??? I have a real problem : here and the manual does not explain anything about this. I have the f...... : manual but no joy. : +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Page 56, the command MASTERSRV is explained. MASTERSRV N6IYA.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA in your MSYS.DO will do it for you. 73, Steve ------------------------------ Date: 28 Aug 94 17:29:19 GMT From:!! Subject: RS232 and RTTY? Which pin is which? To: I would like to connect to a RS232c connecter on my computer. Which pin to I connect to to sense oONs and OFFs? What code do I need to convert the pulses to text? Thanks for any info you can give me on an interface and receiving software. J bailey\ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 10:19:13 GMT From:!agate!!!!eff!!!!!! Subject: What SB for Digital modes? To: Lance G Marshall ( wrote: : all digital is on LSB on 20 meters Actually packet and pactor don't care which sideband you are on, as long as they are tuned correctly. This is because packet encodes data on the tone transitions, and pactor switches mark and space data on each consecutive transmission block. 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bob Donnell, kd7nm | | Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 27 Aug 1994 10:38:37 GMT From:!!agate!!usc!!!!!!eskimo!rdonnell@network.UCSD Subject: Will my radio work as a packet station??? To: JoeSullivn ( wrote: : I have a Baycom modem that I got from A&A engineering. I wish to hook it : up to one of my radios to run packet but I have heard that some radios do : not switch fast enough from transmit to receive? My possible radios are: : Azden PCS-3000 : Yaesu FT-207R : Icom 02-AT : Standard SR-C146A : Will any of these radios work without modification? : If not, can they be modified to work? : Please e-mail The only radio of the bunch I would not reccomend is the IC-O2AT. This radio has very slow TX->RX and RX->TX switching times, and as a result, if you try to connect to a station that has a reasonably quick response time, your radio will miss the beginning of the reply. In this area (greater Seattle) the only complaints the NET/ROM node operators ever got from users saying they needed more TX delay from the node were from IC-O2AT and Kenwood TR-2500 owners. All the older and newer Icom HT's are OK, but the IC-Ox series are slow. I can't effectivly use my IC-O3AT for packet locally, but my IC-3AT works fine. Also, contrary to popular belief, radios using relays for TR switching are not usually as slow as radios using PLL's. This is because most of the PLL'ed radios have only one PLL for both receiving and transmitting, and it has to jump (typically) more than 10 MHz and get locked up to switch either way. For example, the radio I use on 2 meters originally had a RX->TX switching time of 40 mS. The relay was measured and determined to switch in 3 mS. By changing some time constants in the power switching circuitry, I got the keyup time of the radio to 7 mS, which is as short as I decided to go, and the unkey time down to 4 mS (the relay was the limiting factor here). Most amateur PLL-equipped radios need at least 100 mS to get on frequency and into TX. So if you have an old crystal-controlled rig kicking around, and you know what frequency you need to be on for local packet operations, don't hesitate to order up a set of crystals and get some more milage out of the old rig. In some cases, its actually not too hard to convert a relay-switched radio to solid-state switching, too. 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bob Donnell, kd7nm | | Western Washington Amateur IP Address Coordinator (206) 775-3651 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #288 ******************************